Consumers support subscribing to topics, record streaming and deserialization, as well as miscellaneous utility functionality, such as seeking to offsets, or checking what the end offsets are for a topic. Consumers make use of the Java Kafka consumer, which becomes especially important for settings. For consumer implementation details, refer to the technical details section.
The following imports are assumed throughout this page.
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import fs2._
import fs2.kafka._
import fs2.kafka.consumer.KafkaConsumeChunk.CommitNow
describes functional composable deserializers for record keys and values. We generally require two deserializers: one for the record key and one for the record value. Deserializers are provided implicitly for many standard library types, including:
, andUUID
There are also deserializers for types which carry special meaning:
to deserialize occurrances ofnull
, andUnit
to ignore the serialized bytes and always use()
For more involved types, we need to resort to custom deserializers.
Custom Deserializers
Deserializer[F[_], A]
describes a function Array[Byte] => F[A]
, while also having access to the topic name and record Headers
. There are many functions available for creating custom deserializers, with the most basic one being instance
, which simply creates a deserializer from a provided function.
Deserializer.instance { (topic, headers, bytes) =>
IO.pure(bytes.dropWhile(_ == 0))
If the deserializer only needs access to the bytes, like in the case above, use lift
Deserializer.lift(bytes => IO.pure(bytes.dropWhile(_ == 0)))
To support different deserializers for different topics, use topic
to pattern match on the topic name.
Deserializer.topic[KeyOrValue, IO, String] {
case "first" => Deserializer[IO, String]
case "second" => Deserializer[IO, Int].map(
For unmatched topics, an UnexpectedTopicException
is raised.
Use headers
for different deserializers depending on record headers.
Deserializer.headers[IO, String] { headers =>
headers("format").map([String]) match {
case Some("string") => Deserializer[IO, String]
case Some("int") => Deserializer[IO, Int].map(
case Some(format) => Deserializer.failWith(s"unknown format: $format")
case None => Deserializer.failWith("format header is missing")
In the example above, failWith
raises a DeserializationException
with the provided message.
Java Interoperability
If we have a Java Kafka deserializer, use delegate
to create a Deserializer
Deserializer.delegate[IO, String] {
new KafkaDeserializer[String] {
def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): String =
new String(data)
If the deserializer performs side effects, follow with suspend
to capture them properly.
.delegate[IO, String] {
new KafkaDeserializer[String] {
def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): String = {
println(s"deserializing record on topic $topic")
new String(data)
Note that close
and configure
won't be called for the delegates.
In order to create a KafkaConsumer
, we first need to create ConsumerSettings
. At the very minimum, settings include the effect type to use, and the key and value deserializers. More generally, ConsumerSettings
contain everything necessary to create a KafkaConsumer
. If deserializers are available implicitly for the key and value type, we can use the syntax in the following example.
val consumerSettings =
ConsumerSettings[IO, String, String]
We can also specify the deserializers explicitly when necessary.
keyDeserializer = Deserializer[IO, String],
valueDeserializer = Deserializer[IO, String]
provides functions for configuring both the Java Kafka consumer and options specific to the library. If functions for configuring certain properties of the Java Kafka consumer is missing, we can instead use withProperty
or withProperties
together with constants from ConsumerConfig
. Available properties for the Java Kafka consumer are described in the documentation.
Default Settings
The following Java Kafka consumer properties are overridden by default.
is set tonone
, to avoid the surprisinglatest
is set tofalse
, since offset commits are managed manually.
Use withAutoOffsetReset
and withEnableAutoCommit
to change these properties.
In addition, there are several settings specific to the library.
controls the timeout when waiting for consumer shutdown. Default is 20 seconds.withCommitRecovery
defines how offset commit exceptions are recovered. SeeCommitRecovery.Default
sets the timeout for offset commits. Default is 15 seconds.withCreateConsumer
changes how the underlying Java Kafka consumer is created. The default merely creates a JavaKafkaConsumer
instance using set properties, but this function allows overriding the behaviour for e.g. testing purposes.withMaxPrefetchBatches
adjusts the maximum number of record batches per topic-partition to prefetch before backpressure is applied. The default is 2, meaning there can be up to 2 record batches per topic-partition waiting to be processed.withPollInterval
alters how often consumerpoll
should take place. Default is 50 milliseconds.withPollTimeout
modifies for how longpoll
is allowed to block. Default is 50 milliseconds.withRecordMetadata
defines what metadata to include inOffsetAndMetadata
for consumed records. This effectively allows us to store metadata along with offsets when committed to Kafka. The default is for no metadata to be included.
Consumer Creation
Once ConsumerSettings
is defined, use
to create a KafkaConsumer
object ConsumerExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] =
There is also KafkaConsumer.resource
for when it's preferable to work with Resource
. Both these functions create an underlying Java Kafka consumer and start work in the background to support record streaming. In addition, they both also guarantee resource cleanup (closing the Kafka consumer and stopping background work).
In the example above, we simply create the consumer and then immediately shutdown after resource cleanup. KafkaConsumer
supports much of the Java Kafka consumer functionality in addition to record streaming, but for streaming records, we first have to subscribe to a topic.
Topic Subscription
We can use subscribe
with a non-empty collection of topics, or subscribeTo
for varargs support. There is also an option to subscribe
using a Regex
regular expression for the topic names, in case the exact topic names are not known up-front. When allocating a consumer in a Stream
context, these are available as extension methods directly on the Stream
object ConsumerSubscribeExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] ="topic").compile.drain
Note that only automatic partition assignment is supported. Like in the consumer creation section, the example above only creates a consumer (guaranteeing resource cleanup) and subscribes to a topic. No records are yet streamed from the topic, for which we'll have to use stream
or partitionedStream
Record Streaming
Once subscribed to at least one topic, we can use stream
for a Stream
of CommittableConsumerRecord
s. Each record contains a deserialized ConsumerRecord
, as well as a CommittableOffset
for managing offset commits. Streams guarantee records in topic-partition order, but not ordering across partitions. This is the same ordering guarantee that Kafka provides.
object ConsumerStreamExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] ="topic").records.compile.drain
Note that this is an infinite stream, meaning it will only terminate if it's interrupted, errors, or if we turn it into a finite stream (using e.g. take
). It's usually desired that consumer streams keep running indefinitely, so that incoming records get processed quickly — one notable exception being when testing streams. Also, you could gracefully stop stream using stopConsuming
method. More info about it in the graceful shutdown section.
When using stream
, records on all assigned partitions end up in the same Stream
. Depending on how records are processed, we might want to separate records per topic-partition. This exact functionality is provided by partitionedStream
object ConsumerPartitionedStreamExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: ConsumerRecord[String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
val stream =
.map { partitionStream =>
partitionStream.evalMap { committable =>
The partitionStream
in the example above is a Stream
of records for a single topic-partition. We define the processing per topic-partition rather than across all partitions, as was the case with stream
. The example will run processRecord
on every record, one-at-a-time in-order per topic-partition. However, multiple partitions are processed at the same time when using parJoinUnbounded
Note that we have to use parJoinUnbounded
here so that all partitions are processed. While parJoinUnbounded
doesn't limit the number of streams running concurrently, the actual limit is the number of assigned partitions. In fact, stream
is just an alias for partitionedStream.parJoinUnbounded
Sometimes it could be desirable to not just get streams for each topic-partition (like in partitionedStream
), but also have additional information, from which topic-partition each stream produces records. There is a partitionsMapStream
method for that. It has the next signature:
def partitionsMapStream: Stream[F, Map[TopicPartition, Stream[F, CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]]]
Each element of partitionsMapStream
contains a current assignment. The current assignment is the Map
, where keys are a TopicPartition
, and values are streams with records for a particular TopicPartition
New assignments will be received on each rebalance. On rebalance, Kafka revoke all previously assigned partitions, and after that assigned new partitions all at once. partitionsMapStream
reflects this process in a streaming manner. It means that you could use partitionsMapStream
for some custom rebalance handling.
Note, that partition streams for revoked partitions will be closed after the new assignment comes.
When processing of records is independent of each other, as is the case with processRecord
above, it's often easier and more performant to use stream
and mapAsync
, as seen in the example below. Generally, it's crucial to ensure there are no data races between processing of any two records.
object ConsumerMapAsyncExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: ConsumerRecord[String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
val stream =
.mapAsync(25) { committable =>
Offset Commits
Offsets commits are managed manually, which is important for ensuring at-least-once delivery. This means that, by default, automatic offset commits are disabled. If you're sure you don't need at-least-once delivery, you can re-enable automatic offset commits using withEnableAutoCommit
on ConsumerSettings
, and then ignore the CommittableOffset
part of CommittableConsumerRecord
, keeping only the ConsumerRecord
Working on Use cases that require at-least-once delivery make it necessary to commit the offset of messages only after the message has been successfully processed. Implementing this correctly can be challenging, especially when the business logic requires advanced data manipulation with concurrency, batching, filtering and the like:
- When consuming multiple messages from the same partition concurrently, a consumer might lose messages if the commits happen out of order and a message that is not the last one on its partition can't be processed and has to be retried.
- When filtering messages, it's important to still commit the offset of the filtered message because if this message is the latest one on its partition, it will get re-sent infinitely.
- For performance reasons, it makes sense to batch the offsets when committing them.
The recommended pattern for these use cases is by working on the Chunk
s of records that are part of the Stream
. The library supports that with the consumeChunk
object ConsumerChunkExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecords(records: Chunk[ConsumerRecord[String, String]]): IO[CommitNow] =
records.traverse(record => IO.println(s"Processing record: $record")).as(CommitNow)"topic").consumeChunk(processRecords)
Note that this method uses partitionedStream
, which means that all the partitions assigned to the consumer will be processed concurrently.
As a user, you don't have to care about the offset commits, all you have to do is implement a function that processes all records in the Chunk
, and return a IO[CommitNow]
. After this action finished, the offsets for all messages in the Chunk
will be committed. CommitNow
is basically the same as Unit
, but helps in making it clear when the processing of messages has been finished and it's time to commit.
This brings several benefits:
- Correctness: You can focus on implementing your business logic, without having to worry about offset commits or propagating the correct offsets through your code. Offsets are committed correctly afterwards.
- Performance: Typical performance improvements are bulk-writes to a database, or using concurrency to speed things up. These patterns can be used liberally when working on the records in a
, without having to sacrifice correctness. - Flexibility: Besides using batching and concurrency, you might want to filter out messages, or process them in a different order than they appear on the partitions. As long as you work on a single
and make sure that the processing is finished when you returnCommitNow
, you can do all that. - A concrete example that makes use of these ideas is to group all the messages in the
by key and then only process the last message for each key (basically doing what Kafka's log compaction does). In many occasions, it's also possible to process the messages for different keys concurrently, which drastically increases the available concurrency.
If the chunk size doesn't fit your needs, the first way to start tuning is the max.poll.records
config property of your consumer.
Committing manually
If consumeChunk
doesn't work for you, you can always commit your offsets manually.
Offset commits are usually done in batches for performance reasons. We normally don't need to commit every offset, but only the last processed offset. There is a trade-off in how much reprocessing we have to do when we restart versus the performance implication of committing more frequently. Depending on our situation, we'll then choose an appropriate frequency for offset commits.
We should keep the CommittableOffset
in our Stream
once we've finished processing the record. For at-least-once delivery, it's essential that offset commits preserve topic-partition ordering, so we have to make sure we keep offsets in the same order as we receive them. There is one convenience function for the most common batch committing scenario, commitBatchWithin
object ConsumerCommitBatchExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: ConsumerRecord[String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
val stream =
.mapAsync(25) { committable =>
.through(commitBatchWithin(500, 15.seconds))
The example above commits once every 500 offsets or 15 seconds, whichever happens first. The batch commit functions uses CommittableOffsetBatch
and provided functions for batching offsets.
The batch commit functions uses CommittableOffsetBatch
and provided functions for batching offsets. For more involved batch commit scenarios, we can use CommittableOffsetBatch
to batch offsets, while having custom logic to determine batch frequency.
For at-least-once delivery, offset commit has to be the last step in the stream. Anything that happens after offset commit cannot be part of the at-least-once guarantee. This is the main reason why batch commit functions return Unit
, as they should always be the last part of the stream definition.
If we're sure we need to commit every offset, we can commit
individual CommittableOffset
s. Note there is a substantial performance implication to committing every offset, and it should be avoided when possible. The approach also limits parallelism, since offset commits need to preserve topic-partition ordering.
Graceful shutdown
With the fs2-kafka you could gracefully shutdown a KafkaConsumer
. Consider this example:
object NoGracefulShutdownExample extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: CommittableConsumerRecord[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
def run(consumer: KafkaConsumer[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] = {
consumer.subscribeTo("topic") >> consumer
.evalMap { msg =>
.through(commitBatchWithin(100, 15.seconds))
When this application will be closed (for example, using Ctrl + C in the terminal) the stream
inside the run
function will be simply interrupted. It means that there is no guarantee that all in-flight records will be processed to the end of the stream, and there is no guarantee that all records will pass through all stream steps. For example, a record could be processed in the processRecord
, but not committed. Note that even when a stream is interrupted all resources will be safely closed.
Usually, this is normal behavior for Kafka consumers because most of them work with the at least once semantics. But sometimes, it is necessary to process all in-flight messages and close the KafkaConsumer
instance only after that.
To achieve this behavior we could use a stopConsuming
method on aKafkaConsumer
. Calling this method has the next effects:
- After this call no more data will be fetched from Kafka through the
method. - All currently running streams will continue to run until all in-flight messages will be processed. It means that streams will be completed when all fetched messages will be processed.
We could combine stopConsuming
with the custom resource handling and implement a graceful shutdown. Let's try it. For cats-effect 2 it may looks like this:
import cats.effect.{Deferred, Ref}
object WithGracefulShutdownExampleCE2 extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: CommittableConsumerRecord[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
def run(consumer: KafkaConsumer[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] = {
consumer.subscribeTo("topic") >> consumer
.evalMap { msg =>
.through(commitBatchWithin(100, 15.seconds))
def handleError(e: Throwable): IO[Unit] = IO(println(e.toString))
for {
stoppedDeferred <- Deferred[IO, Either[Throwable, Unit]] // [1]
gracefulShutdownStartedRef <- Ref[IO].of(false) // [2]
_ <- KafkaConsumer
.bracketCase { case (consumer, _) => // [3]
.flatMap { result: Either[Throwable, Unit] => // [4]
.flatMap {
case true => stoppedDeferred.complete(result) // [5]
case false => IO.pure(result).rethrow // [6]
.uncancelable // [7]
} { case ((consumer, closeConsumer), exitCase) => // [8]
(exitCase match {
case Outcome.Errored(e) => handleError(e) // [9]
case _ =>
for {
_ <- gracefulShutdownStartedRef.set(true) // [10]
_ <- consumer.stopConsuming // [11]
stopResult <-
.get // [12]
IO.pure(Left(new RuntimeException("Graceful shutdown timed out")))
) // [13]
_ <- stopResult match { // [14]
case Right(()) => IO.unit
case Left(e) => handleError(e)
} yield ()
}).guarantee(closeConsumer) // [15]
} yield ()
- We need a
to wait until records processing is finished. - Also, we need some flag to distinguish between graceful and regular shutdown. It would be needed for error handling.
- We need somehow implement our custom closing logic. To do this we can use
with thebracketCase
instead ofuse
on the consumer resource. This is a low-level API forResource
specifically for cases like this. - In the
section ofbracketCase
we start our main application logic. When graceful shutdown will be started, therun
function will return either some result (in our case there is no result) or failed with an error. This result should be passed to astoppedDeferred
. To not lose errors we should useattempt
on this result to convert it to anEither[Throwable, Unit]
. - If a graceful shutdown started, we pass
to astoppedDeferred
. - If a graceful shutdown is not started we pass
further with therethrow
. This case is needed mostly for cases when therun
function failed with an error during its work. - It's important to wrap all our application logic in the
. Without it when the graceful shutdown will be startedrun
method will be just interrupted, andstoppedDeferred
will be never resolved. - Here we started our custom closing logic.
- If our main app logic failed with an error, we should not start a graceful shutdown, we should close consumer regularly. We may also handle an error somehow, for example, log an error.
- If there were no errors during application work, we may start a graceful shutdown.
- Stopping our consumer. After this call stream inside the
function will receive only already fetched records and after that finish. - Waiting until the
function finished with some result and resolvedstoppedDeferred
. - Let's add a timeout for our graceful shutdown. This is not absolutely necessary, but if your processing contains many steps, a graceful shutdown may take a while.
- When
returns some result, we could somehow handle it. For example, we could handle an error case. - Don't forget to call the
For cats-effect 3 the example above will not work as in cats-effect 2, because in cats-effect 3 cancelation semantics was changed. Here is the example of graceful shutdown for cats-effect 3:
object WithGracefulShutdownExampleCE3 extends IOApp.Simple {
val run: IO[Unit] = {
def processRecord(record: CommittableConsumerRecord[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(s"Processing record: $record"))
def run(consumer: KafkaConsumer[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] = {
consumer.subscribeTo("topic") >> consumer
.evalMap { msg =>
.through(commitBatchWithin(100, 15.seconds))
.use { consumer => // [1]
IO.uncancelable { poll => // [2]
for {
runFiber <- run(consumer).start // [3]
_ <- poll(runFiber.join).onCancel { // [4]
for {
_ <- IO(println("Starting graceful shutdown"))
_ <- consumer.stopConsuming // [5]
shutdownOutcome <-
.timeoutTo[Outcome[IO, Throwable, Unit]]( // [6]
Outcome.Errored(new RuntimeException("Graceful shutdown timed out"))
_ <- shutdownOutcome match { // [7]
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) =>
IO(println("Succeeded in graceful shutdown"))
case Outcome.Canceled() =>
IO(println("Canceled in graceful shutdown")) >> runFiber.cancel
case Outcome.Errored(e) =>
IO(println("Failed to shutdown gracefully")) >> runFiber.cancel >> IO
} yield ()
} yield ()
and run
functions are the same. But resource handling part is changed:
- Here we allocated
as a resource. Unlike the cats-effect 2 example, you don't need to useallocated
. - We created an
block. You can get more information about this in theMonadCancel
docs. But shortly — everything inside anuncancelable
block ignorescancel
signals. But if you want to create a cancelable block inside, you can usepoll
for this. We will use it in our example. - We started our application's main logic by calling the
function. An important note here: we are starting in a separate fiber. It's because we want to manually control the lifecycle of this fiber. - We called the
method onrunFiber
to wait for fiber completion. This call is wrapped in thepoll
function to make this awaiting cancellable. Also, on this line, we are calling theonCancel
callback to add custom logic for cancelation. - If
call is canceled we have to call thestopConsuming
to get a graceful shutdown. - We joined on
one more time, this time after thestopConsuming
call. After thestopConsuming
call therunFiber
will work until an internalIO
is finished. And internalIO
finishes when a consumer stream will be finished. That's the main graceful shutdown point. Also, we added thetimeoutTo
to not wait for too long. - We handled all possible outcomes after
. In the case ofOutcome.Canceled
(note, that it means thatjoin
call is canceled, not the fiber itself) we have to cancelrunFiber
manually. In the case ofOutcome.Errored
we again have to cancelrunFiber
, and also it will be useful to re-raise an error.
You may notice, that actual graceful shutdown implementation requires a decent amount of low-level handwork. stopConsuming
is just a building block for making your own graceful shutdown, not a ready-made solution for all needs. This design is intentional, because different applications may need different graceful shutdown logic. For example, what if your application has multiple consumers? Or some other components in your application may also need to participate in a graceful shutdown somehow? Because of that graceful shutdown with stopConsuming
considered as a low level and advanced feature.
Also note, that even if you implement a graceful shutdown your application may fall with an error. And in this case, a graceful shutdown will not be invoked. It means that your application should be ready to an at least once semantic even when a graceful shutdown is implemented. Or, if you need an exactly once semantic, consider using transactions.